Kalagarh Egg Rate: Today Egg Price in Kalagarh

Check out the today egg rate in Kalagarh with our daily report of the past 10 days egg price data. Stay updated on the Kalagarh egg rate today by visiting eggrate.info regularly.

Today Kalagarh Egg Rate

26th June₹455₹136.5₹4.55
25th June₹455₹136.5₹4.55
24th June₹460₹138₹4.6
23rd June₹483₹144.9₹4.83
22nd June₹483₹144.9₹4.83
21st June₹480₹144₹4.8
20th June₹475₹142.5₹4.75
19th June₹470₹141₹4.7
18th June₹495₹148.5₹4.95

Average Egg Rate on Kalagarh Market


Wholesale Egg Price in Kalagarh (Last 5 Day)


Egg Rate Today Kalagarh

As of 27th June 2024, the egg rate in Kalagarh, India has been reported to be ₹5.33 per piece and ₹533 per 100 pieces. Additionally, the wholesale egg rate in Kalagarh has been recorded as ₹159.9 per tray and ₹1119 per peti. These price data providing an overview of the current market rates for eggs in Kalagarh.

Today egg rate in Kalagarh

However, it’s important to note that these prices may vary depending on the location, such as egg markets, retail shops, or supermarkets. By staying informed about the daily Kalagarh egg rates, both consumers and producers can make informed decisions, and our website eggrate.info, makes it easy for everyone to access this price information.

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What is the price of Kalagarh Egg today?

Egg price in Kalagarh today is ₹5.33 per piece or ₹533 per 100 pieces.

What is the current wholesale Egg price in Kalagarh?

The wholesale egg price in Kalagarh is ₹1119 per peti.

What is the rate of 1 tray egg in Kalagarh?

The rate of 1 tray egg in Kalagarh is ₹159.9.

What is the rate of 30 eggs in Kalagarh?

The rate of 30 eggs in Kalagarh is ₹159.9.

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